Design Statement
Velaris' color palette to me is the colors of the high sky because it's a hidden city within the Night Court. So, I just looked up "night sky color palette" and used this color hex website for my main colors because I couldn't find a color scheme I liked on the colourlovers website. I used the light purple color as an accent to highlight the pages because I liked that feature we learned in class. As for the typeface, I wanted to use a serif for an older look that you might find on the spines of old fairy tales. Since the time period seems to be the 1700s-1800s, I used Cinzel for the bigger text and Poiret One for the description text. I actually looked up complimentary fonts to make sure it looked cohesive. Although it's a pre-industrial time setting, I wanted the text placement and overall look to be mostly modern because the city is sophisticated and very well-oriented. I wanted bolder text for the main elements, like "Welcome to Velaris" and the text under it. I chose a simple, stylish, and lightweight font for the descriptions and navigation bar because I want the user to focus on the top section when they first open the page and work their way down to the smaller text.
Since it's based on a book series, I couldn't find many images that were not AI-generated. However, there is a coloring book, which I found out about through the Wiki for Velaris. I tried to find as many of the locations as possible, but I couldn't find the restaurant. When I can't picture restaurants in books, for some reason, I always think of Van Gogh's, "Café Terrace at Night", and it happened to fit the indoor and outdoor layout description in the book. As for the market, there were no images, so I found this market art on DeviantArt. For my buttons and button placement, I took inspiration from the Hilton website while I was booking a hotel for a future trip. I thought it was simple and easy to navigate, but not the most aesthetic. So, I used the basic layout and tried to make it look better.